this cute storys about my kitten when i take her on street
guys, you can't imagine how much I love cats, their love, I'm ready to love only them all my life and help only them.
guys, share your mood with me today, I felt great all day today, I weighed a lot and slept very well)))
Knowledge is an endless ocean, and every answer is just a drop in this vast sea.
True wealth lies in the ability to be satisfied with what you already have
The path to wisdom begins with admitting your ignorance.
The meaning of life is not the search for happiness, but the search for meaning.
The journey within yourself is much more exciting and meaningful than any external journey.
I recently heard an interesting thought: There are no accidents in our lives, there are only lessons and opportunities for growth.
Thoughts are a powerful tool. When we generate positive thoughts, the world around us becomes brighter. A simple morning affirmation such as "Today is going to be a good day" can set us up for success. Try recording your positive thoughts for a week and watch how your perception of the day changes!
"Time is an illusion created by the human mind. Existence does not occur in a linear sequence, but in an infinite now, where every moment is unique."
Happiness is not a destination; it's a way to travel. It is about accepting life's imperfections and being able to find joy in the little things and everyday moments.
Hello! My name is Ruta, I'm 18 years old I'm here because I want to become a more open and social girl, I think this site will help me become more social and liberated, as well as get rid of my complexes I also have some strange sexual fetishes that I can't talk about publicly yet, I hope this will change very soon. I recently moved to a new city and I have no friends at all, I want to find them here
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