We spent the afternoon with our friends, as soon as it got dark one by one they left. Finally we were alone in the tent that we had set up to spend the day. It was there inside that the romp began. We couldn't stop kissing, hugging, biting our lips and telling each other how much we loved it when our bodies rubbed against each other. The intensity began to rise and we decided it was time to go into the sea to cool things down a bit, however, we couldn't resist. Once the waves covered above our waist I carried her, moved her swimsuit a little and began to penetrate gently. The look of surprise on his face was worth it all, for he hadn't expected the next step. He had her by the hip to press her forward and make the sensation of intensity and depth more pleasurable.Everything flowed perfectly, it was soft and passionate sex; very romantic. He finally reached her orgasm and not to leave her alone, I finished too. I released her and we held each other for a while.It was one of the best sexual moments of my life. I will never finish thanking him for so much passion within the sea.
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