when things get hard
Light gentle touches, a look that strives to dissolve in your eyes, a shoulder that I want to bury my face in and feel your, so familiar, native scent, closing my eyes.... The whole world will wait, and only a drop of water that fell on a barely covered chest brings me back to reality, gentle fingers stop it, I bring my hand to my mouth, gently take it in my mouth, mmm, an incomparable taste, the taste of a man who has conquered your whole world.What is pleasure for you?Is the physical really that important?Pleasure is born in the heart and head
A delicate dress flows over my body without restricting movements, I am not wearing underwear, a light breeze sways the dress, and it gently caresses my skin, I stand with my eyes closed facing the sun and enjoy the moment, I feel gentle strong arms hugging me around the waist, I do not open my eyes, on a smile appears on my face, I feel warm breath on my neck, goosebumps ran through my body... I feel strong hands on my hips, a soft sensual moan escapes, I want to dissolve in this moment, I will become smooth, I will become special, windy for a moment....
Hello everyone) Today I want to talk about the kind of attitude towards myself that I like. Respect, it causes admiration, true connoisseurs of beauty do not neglect such a quality, mutual respect gives birth to a coliseum of pleasure. Interest in hobbies, human qualities, creates the strongest connection that will last for more than one year. I wish you the most pleasant, mutual and deep acquaintances, in turn I promise the most sensual time together.
Hello everyone, today I want to tell you a little more about myself :)~I find it very difficult to do any physical activity, but I try very hard and love variety in my life ~I really want to find myself in creativity, find the opportunity to paint feelings with music or other means ~I love long trips with my family, the atmosphere of travel fills me ~I am a very tactile person, looking into the eyes and being able to hug is important to me ~and I just love the color black, coffee and waffles with caramel
hello) after the time that I am here, I can say with confidence that I began to get to know myself, my desires, people, learn to interact and love everything that happens, I want to become the best version of myself, with the most powerful energy, I will look for it in corners of your soul, join us, it's exciting
Hey everyone! I'm Emili and i am new here:) I heard a lot about such sites, and recently thought about trying! While I feel strange, I met very pleasant gentlemen, as well as one rude. But I do not be upset and go forward ? Please love and support?
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