Its not only the money, wich of course is important too, also is ur atitude with me , dont u ever forget to say hi , and if u wanna talk, its fine , this could be a lonely space sometimes, so why not? i dont bite, at least u want it. Every time u come to my room, will be an awesome oportunity to know about each other, dont forget about that ;)
Se que para nuestra plataforma es un paso a seguir, conectarnos mas allá del tiempo en linea es una de las actividades mas excitantes para nosotros como modelos, pero, por parte de ustedes quisiera saber que tan seguido suelen conectarse con los chicos que se divierten aqui en redes sociales? y de ser asÃ, en cual me verÃas? cuéntame, quiero llenarme de ideas para que podamos estar cada vez mas cerca.
Que tipo de jueguetes les gustarÃa verme intentando en linea? ya saben que todas sus ideas son muy bienvenidas. por traviesas que sean, envÃame un mensaje directo , o directamente cuando este en linea recuerdame este post y cuéntame, que te encantarÃa ver en mi ;)
lately we have seen in the news different events around the quarantine and this virus that has us locked up in our homes, and it is most likely that, it is not just a quarantine, but a completely new way of life, in the That, we prioritize staying in our houses, and we reinvent ourselves in our work and interpersonal relationships, I invite you to see this situation as the beginning of a new way of life, and not as something temporary, you know that if at any time feel alone, I will be here online, with a big smile to forget, if you want for a while about this problem, kisses.
Excited and worry about this new part of my life when i share not only my time, also my body with all of u guys, thanks for all the support and for make this lonely guy life a really roller coaster online , promess to always try my best , to make us feel like we are together hand to hand ;)
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